Motul Oil Change Kit For Nissan 300Zx Z31

Motul Oil Change Kit For Nissan 300Zx Z31

Regular price $160.24

Vehicle service kit for the home mechanic for the vehicle model below which will enable you to service your vehicle yourself using quality products.

Vehicle Make: Nissan
Model: 300ZX
Chassis: z31
Engine: 3.0 litre v6
Year: 1984 - 1989

Service kit comes with the following

1 x 4 litre pack of Motul 4100 Turbolight 10w40 engine oil
1 x 1 litre pack of Motul 4100 Turbolight 10w40 engine oil
1 x Quality Ryco z101 oil filter.
1 x Windscreen service label
1 x small Motul rear window sticker
1 x Sump plug washer

Technosynthese® (synthetic based) lubricant specially designed for recent and powerful cars, particularly resistant to extreme conditions met during long journey on motorway at high speed, or Stop & Go use.

Suitable for all types of gasoline or diesel engines, using all types of leaded or unleaded fuel , diesel and LPG.

We do service kits for all makes & models of vehicles. Please inquire if we don't have a service kit for your model.

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